Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Massage

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Clear your blocked nose the natural way

The winter cold impacts upon our immune system, this time of year children and adults  can suffer from blocked sinuses. Rather than reach for medicines such as Lemsip, why not try the natural way to clear a blocked nose. Use the instructions below to find the acupuncture point, this can be used at anytime you find yourself suffering with a blocked nose.

Massage the point in a gentle circular clockwise motion a few times, hold and press the point a few seconds, repeat at least  5 -6 times, repeat during the course of the day, you will notice a gradual  improvement - all without any drug intervention.

Location: -in the nasolabial groove, level with the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nas, 'welcome fragrance'  is the name of this point, it helps with loss of smell or taste, nasal discharge, any nose and/or sinus issues.

Ancient medicine in modern times  '